Passing of a local golfing identity


Sadly one of Pattaya’s long standing gentlemen Herbie Ishinaga passed away on Tuesday the 4th of August (06/04/1943—04/08/2015).

Herbie was a long time resident of Pattaya and a life member of the Pattaya Sports Club and devoted much of his time to help Pattaya Sports Club be where it is today. Between 2001 and 2010 Herbie held an array of positions on the Executive Committee culminating in his term as President.

Herbie was Sports Promotion Chairman 2001 and 2002, Golf Chairman 2003, Vice President 2004, Secretary 2008, and President 2010.

Herbie Ishinaga 06/04/1943 - 04/08/2015Herbie Ishinaga 06/04/1943 – 04/08/2015

Herbie was well known throughout the local sports community and his hard work in helping promote sports in the Pattaya area will not be forgotten.

Herbie was also known for his generosity and was known for having a Heart of Gold. He would give everything he had to help others and never wanted a thing for himself. He organized the 3 Sisters golf and the Wednesday fun bowling, and prepared some of the finest food after golf to everyone’s delight. He was well known for his cooking ability.

He was a former Marine serving as a radio technician, and an oil drilling industry supervisor.