What’s the next step?


Dear Hillary,

I’ve met this woman in one of the big centers, where she works in a shop.  She always waves to me and if I stop she’ll chat.  There’s about four women working there, but I never see any customers, so I don’t know how the place stays open, but it does.  At least a couple of times a week she’s not there and the other girls tell me she’s gone home for a few days.  I’d like to get it on with this woman, but there’s so much I don’t know, it holds me back.  What’s the next step, Hillary?


Dear Pete,

You’re not wrong when you say there’s so much you don’t know.  You sound completely wet behind the ears, my Petal.  You shouldn’t be allowed out without a nanny.  Just stop to think for a moment.  How does she survive being away from the job for so many days a week?  Time to open the eyes and have a bit of a reality check.  Forget her.  Find one with a real 9-5 job for six days a week.