Tour busses with race track mentality



Some years ago the singer Chris Rea composed a song called “The Road to Hell” dedicated to the UK motorway the M25. The song was borne out of the frustrations and delays he encountered in driving on that particular motorway. Would I be out of order if I suggested that the title of this song would aptly describe Third Rd, Pattaya at present?

Whilst one recognizes the importance of the tourist industry to Pattaya, especially at this time, this has to be tempered with a bit of realism. Third Rd simply cannot accommodate the never ending stream of tourist buses that wend their way along it every day. The sheer volume of the buses combined with the race track mentality of some drivers, is now making it a really daunting road to negotiate.

Obviously, I cannot speak for the rest of your readers but personally I would welcome some assurances that the problem is being addressed.

Brian (Pattaya)