Industrial exports increase in first half of 2011


BANGKOK, 7 August 2011  – The Office of Industrial Economics (OIE) reported a 19% year-on-year increase in overall industrial export in the first half of this year. 

Though faced with the disasters in Japan and the European debt crisis, OIE Director-General Suttinee Poopaka revealed that industrial export grew. She said the industrial export in the first half accounted for 85 billion US dollars, growing by 19 percent compared to the same period last year.

Export of electrical appliances had risen the most at 21% year-on-year. It was reportedly doing well in the ASEAN, Japanese, US, and EU markets.

The OIE Director-General added that other products, which had been exported more this year, included refrigerators, air conditioners, electronics, auto parts and vehicles, and plastics.