Absolute carnage



As part of his New Year message to his subjects, as shown on the front page of this week’s Pattaya Mail (Fri, 8th Jan, 2016), HM the King reminded them to ‘always be mindful and keep abreast of situations.’ There can’t be one of his Thai subjects who isn’t aware of the perils of drink driving and speeding; yet over the ‘seven dangerous days’ of the ‘festive season’ 380 people were killed and 3,505 were injured in Thailand in road traffic accidents. This is absolute mindless carnage that must cost billions of baht in the repercussions of these smash ups. On page 4 of this week’s paper a 22-year old speeding driver smashed his vehicle into a high voltage power pole, knocking out power in the area for several hours and nearly killing himself.

Misused, alcohol is poison, it’s a stimulant and a depressant; maybe Thailand should consider becoming alcohol free to stop this needless slaughter on its roads? I expect there will be howls of angry protest at this outrageous suggestion; but as a reformed ‘heavy drinker’, in my opinion life is much better sober.

Philip Fletcher,
