Ministry of Public Health warns public about post- Songkran diseases


Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoen is warning people about possible post-Songkran diseases, particularly pneumonia and pink eye.

He said people who participated in water play during the Songkran festival are at risk of developing these diseases, which thrive in warm and wet conditions. Dr. Suwanchai urged holidaymakers to take extra care of themselves, warning that an unattended fever can develop into pneumonia.

The ministry recommends bed rest for those with persistent fever, fatigue, headache, stuffy nose and sore throat, as well as using a handkerchief to cover their face when sneezing to prevent the spread of the disease. If these symptoms last longer than three days, those affected are strongly advised to seek medical attention.

Similarly, the MOPH Deputy Permanent Secretary stated that pink eye patients should avoid sharing belongings with others for at least a week and see an optometrist if the symptoms persist.

Symptoms of pink eye include redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid, more tears, thick yellow discharge that crusts over the eyelashes, itchy and burning eyes, and blurry vision.