Hot-blooded Family Mart employee attacks abusive customer


In the early hours of August the 31st Police and Sawang Boriboon Foundation volunteers were called to a family mart near Big C Extra as a man had been attacked with a knife.

At the scene they found 28 year old Mr.Anthapol Polachu who had lacerations to his right arm and nose, he was given some first aid before being transferred to the Banglamung hospital.

Was this young man defending himself or did he over react.

A 23 year old member of staff at the family mart Mr.Mongkol Phuntem told police that it was him who had attacked Polachu, he stated that he was working in the shop and had seen Polachu  and a tomboy outside the shop and it looked to him that they had been fighting with someone.

The rescue team tended to his wounds before sending him to Banglamung Hospital. From the inspection, it was revealed that the troublemaker was years from Bangkok, an employee in Family Mart shop; the officers had ordered him for in investigation.

Suddenly the tomboy banged open the shop’s door and tried to get behind the counter Mongkol shouted at her saying she was not allowed and that’s when Polachu entered and accused him of scolding a woman and therefore challenged him to a fight outside the shop.

Mongkol admitted that he was angry and that he grabbed a knife and injured Polachu. The police will now interview the injured man to get his side of the story before pressing any charges.

Hot-blooded Family Mart employee attacks abusive customer