Thai cooking again


Dear Hillary,

Last week you had a chap called Jimmy who was having trouble with his wife cooking Esarn food twice a week and stinking the place out.  I don’t know why he was complaining so much, he has the perfect excuse to go out twice a week to any bar that doesn’t serve “Pla Ra” on the counter.  So he can enjoy his sausage, egg and chips five days a week and a little bit of what you fancy on the other two days.  He’s really got the best life ever, if he’d use his eyes instead of his nose!


Dear Kev,

I get the feeling you are just that little bit naughty, my Petal.  I already advised Jimmy that all he had to do was to let his wife cook outside.  I don’t think he was looking for an excuse to see what the local Go-Go bar was serving up.  Not everyone wants to spend all their time (and money) in the bar scene.