Father Ray Foundation holds Thank You Concert


Pattaya has many charitable organisations that exist to provide support to the underprivileged in society. But these charities can only do the work they do if they also receive support.

The Father Ray Foundation currently cares for and educates 850 children and students with disabilities, and it can only continue its work with the support it receives from the Thai and expatriate communities.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome welcomes Dr. Donna Tatsuki, Shigeru Tatsuki and pianist Kanji Wakiyama.Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome welcomes Dr. Donna Tatsuki, Shigeru Tatsuki and pianist Kanji Wakiyama.

As a show of appreciation to its supporters, the Father Ray Foundation recently hosted the ‘Thank You Concert 2011’ at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort.

More than one hundred and fifty supporters arrived for an afternoon of musical performances which everyone agreed was superb.

Local singer Pom Autobahn serenades the audience.Local singer Pom Autobahn serenades the audience.

The show started with the youngsters from the Father Ray Day Care Center performing a dance routine which saw them twirling hula-hoops around their necks.

Canadian soprano, Dr. Donna Tatsuki, performed a selection of songs, and she was accompanied by piano maestro, Kanji Wakiyama. Both had flown in from Japan especially for this concert.

The local Thais in the audience were very happy when three well known musicians, Maliwan Jenima, Pom Autobahn and Nop Saxophone walked onto the stage to perform together, and they sang a beautiful version of the Diana Ross and Lionel Richie classis, ‘Endless Love’.

Dr. Donna joins the blind school choir in a moving rendition of the Father Ray Song: Unsung Hero.Dr. Donna joins the blind school choir in a moving rendition of the Father Ray Song: Unsung Hero.

Father Peter and Father Michael, president and vice president of the Father Ray Foundation, were on hand to welcome the guests and they thanked everyone who attended the concert for their continued support to the Foundation.

Before it was over, Jens Maspfuhl, a top golfer who is paralyzed from his breast downwards, promised to deliver more wheelchairs to the center soon.

More information can be found at www.fr-ray.org or email [email protected]

The show starts with the youngsters from the Father Ray Day Care Center performing a dance routine.The show starts with the youngsters from the Father Ray Day Care Center performing a dance routine.

The volunteers on hand to serve snacks and refreshments - and all look pretty in pink.The volunteers on hand to serve snacks and refreshments – and all look pretty in pink.