Animals matter



I am pleased to inform you that Louis Ng, the founder of ACRES (Animal Concerns Research and Education Society) in Singapore, will be visiting The Regent’s School Pattaya as our guest.  He will talk passionately about animal welfare and especially the protection of bears from the illegal trading and treatment of them in Laos and other SE Asian countries.

Louis is an amazing young man and has an incredible story to tell. I have now seen him speak and present on two different occasions.  After hearing him speak and talking to him about the treatment of animals such as bears, elephants, monkeys, turtles, etc… you will think twice about how animals are cared for in Thailand and buying products that have been illegally traded.

As a community I encourage you to come and listen to Louis at the Pattaya City Expat Club weekly meeting on Sunday 19th December from 10.30 a.m. at the Tavern by the Sea (Amari Hotel) and understand more about the wonderful animals that share this Earth with us and what we can do to give them back more of an equal share.

To find out more about Louis Ng and ACRES please visit the following website:

Paul Crouch,
The Regent’s School Pattaya