Gov. house recolors God Brahma statue


BANGKOK 5 October, 2011  –The Fine Arts Department had refurbished the statue of God Brahma after its damage from vandalism

At the Thai Khu Fah Building within the Government House, photographers and the media had gathered to witness the newly refurbished statue of God Brahma. After Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had left the premises from a meeting with the cabinet, the Fine Arts Department went in to restore the statue of God Brahma, after being devastatingly vandalized in the political protest by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD). The statue had been recolored bright vivid red in lac, ready to be gilded with gold leaves.

Sources from the Government House suggest that various ceremonial rituals will need to be conducted at the statue in order to complete the restoration process. These include holy blessings from Bramhmins and gold leaf tributes by government officials.