Peirrel edges Taylor in duel at Green Valley


PSC golf from The Golf Club Sports Bar

Monday, Oct. 10, Green Valley – Stableford

1st John Pierrel (11) 41pts

2nd Kevin Taylor (7) 40pts

3rd Muffy Kerr (10) 38pts

What a hardy bunch of lads we have at The Golf Club!  This must be the most rain we have ever had in Pattaya for October yet we still had 20 of the best golfers in town turn out for today’s soirée to RGV.  The course has held up OK under such tough weather as the greenskeeping crew must be on loads of overtime this month. 

John Peirrel took top position with 41 points on the day, and hard fought points they were.  It was a tough slog for Kevin Taylor as well but his 40 points gave him sole second place (again) and Muffy “Who’s the daddy?” Kerr delivered 38 points for third.

The Bangpra Boys with Kevin (center).The Bangpra Boys with Kevin (center).

Muffy is better known as Ty and Jason’s dad as his boys are tearing up the Junior Tour and are future Asian Tour stars in the making.

Wednesday, Oct. 12, Bangpra – Stableford

A Flight

1st Jack Spencer (9) 35pts

2nd Kevin Taylor (7) 34pts

3rd John Emmerson (10) 33pts

B Flight

1st Nelly Stoer (19) 33pts

2nd Ernie MacInerney (11) 32pts

3rd Sugar Ray Handford (19) 32pts

What’s that expression, always the bridesmaid …?  With a second last week and 2 second place finishes this week, poor Kevin Taylor can’t seem to close the deal.  Always just one point out, he is playing strong and consistent golf and scoring well so hang in there Kev, your day will come mate.

Wednesday’s winners Jack Spencer & Nelly Stoer.Wednesday’s winners Jack Spencer & Nelly Stoer.

Jack Spencer had no problem with today’s win on one of the best courses these days in Pattaya, Bangpra.  Everyone seems to love this place and with a turnout of 28 golfers we had a 2 division comp on the day.  Lovely Nelly Stoer won the B Flight as Ernie Mac took second and sweet Sugar Ray hung on for third.  You go girl!

Don’t forget that the T.Q Masters is on Friday the 21st so come on down to The Golf Club and join us for one of Pattaya’s oldest running golf tournaments, sponsored by our buddies at The Tahitian Queen.

Note:  The Golf Club is located on Soi LK Metro, off Soi Buakhao and Soi Diana junction.  Breakfast is available from 07:00.  We can be reached on 085 434 3377 or [email protected] or our website: and