Battle of the sexes at Mountain Shadow


PSC golf from The Fairways Golf Society

Monday, November 7, The Emerald – Stableford

Just when we thought the rainy season had finally ended we got caught out half way round the course when the heavens opened up yet again.  Although it did not last very long, some of us got thoroughly soaked through.  It did not seem to affect most of the players however as the golf was of a very high standard with several scores under par.

Bryan Neal once again took the honours with 40 points and it was nice to see John Coetzee come in second with a good score 38 as he has been struggling as of late.

Near pins went to Scott Dobbins, John Coetzee, Ning Neal and Pier Cere.

Playing captains Noi Emerson & Tony Duthie.Playing captains Noi Emerson & Tony Duthie.

1st Bryan Neal (19) 40pts

2nd John Coetzee (19) 38pts

3rd Scott Dobbins (0) 37pts

4th Andy Crabb (22) 37pts

Wednesday, November 9, Greenwood – Stableford

We had a full house today so three divisions – and thankfully not a drop of rain in sight!

Surely the handicapper will catch up soon with Bryan Neal as once again he excelled in the B flight with 40 points.  But today this was not good enough to win as he was eclipsed by Eric Reginilsson with 41.

We had near pins today for the Ladies and Gents and the respective winners were Koong, Ning, Yui & Yusa (Ladies) and Bryan Neal, Bob Moore & Barry Wellings (Men).

A Flight

1st Richard Hurley (6) 35pts

2nd Pier Cere (12) 34pts

3rd Shane Ruddle (2) 34pts

B Flight

1st Eric Reginilsson (20) 41pts

2nd Bryan Neal (19) 40pts

3rd Bob Moore (17) 36pts


1st Yui Bietry (9) 38pts

2nd May Mitchel (20) 34pts

3rd Nut (26) 34pts

4th Yusa (26) 34pts

Friday, November 11, Mountain Shadow – Stableford

We had not played this course for quite some time so it was decided to give it another go and everyone seemed happy with the decision.

The ladies & gents teams line up at Mountain Shadow.The ladies & gents teams line up at Mountain Shadow.

That man Bryan Neal took the honours once again with 39 points; there seems to be no stopping him at the moment.  Second place turned out to be a real battle with John Coetzee, just edging out Pier Cere on a back nine count 21-16 after they both came in with 37 points.

Pier also had two near pins while Alan Pilkington had one and nobody managed to get on the green on the other par three.  Only one division today with sixteen players so four places.

1st Bryan Neal (19) 39pts

2nd John Coetzee (19) 37pts

3rd Pier Cere (12) 37pts

4th Alan Pilkington (8) 33pts

Also this week we had a match-play tournament between the Fairway gentlemen and ladies.  This turned out to be a huge success with everybody thoroughly enjoying the fierce competition.  It was a real battle with both teams determined not to lose.

When the men lost the first three matches recorded it did not look good for them, but somehow they battled back to win by the narrowest of margins 5 to 4 and it was really exciting as three of the matches went to the last hole.

The individual match results were as follows:  Tony Duthie.(cpt) lost 1 down to Noi Emerson.(cpt); Shane Ruddle lost 3 & 2 to Yui Bietry; Don Head lost 2 & 1 to Mam; Pier Cere won 4 & 2 over Ning Neal; Frank Riley lost 1 down to Koong; Bryan Neal won 5 & 4 over Yusa; Eric Reginilsson won 3 & 2 over Nut; Bob Moore won 4 & 3 Sang; John Coetzee won 1 up over May Mitchell.

An excellent time was had by one and all back at the Fairways club house and everyone was talking about when we will have the return match and what the outcome will be next time.

Note:  The Fairways Driving Range and Golf Society is situated at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road and plays every Sun/Mon/Wed & Friday.   Anyone wishing to play with us can call into the club house and put their names down on the lists provided or call Scott on 084 389 2379.  Transport provided if required.