Tough going at windy Green Valley


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, December 12, Green Valley – Stableford

There was a cool breeze here today as we waited on the first tee and on some of the holes later in the round this became a mild to strong wind, blowing from all directions.  Normally the scores here are well up in the thirty’s but today was a true test of golf.

There were eight groups out in two divisions with the cut at 7-16 in division 1 and 17+ in the second.  Thirty six points was the best score in both groups with Steve Greene winning division 1 after beating Kari Aarnio on a 17/16 back nine count back.  Heikki Alanko was third on 34 points.

The two French boys were first and second in division 2; Jean Morel won with an even par 36 points and Yves Bosset came second one point behind while Bryan Priestley took third with 34.

This was our only game of the week as we were at the I.P.G.C. Club Championship at Pattana on Wednesday and Friday (the report of which can be seen on page 46 – Ed.).

Near pins went to Kari Kuparinen (2), Raivo Velsberg, Chris Voller, Gordon Everingham, Mauri Friman and Rudi Schaefer.

In the two’s today there were 4 on the 12th hole for Gordon Everingham, Kari Kuparinen, Norman McKinnon and Bryan Priestley, while Eero birdied the 9th in division 1.