Sex query


Dear Hillary,

A friend of mine works for a magazine publication in Bangkok and he says your writing style sometimes does not represent the style of a lady, with the comments made.  Is this true?


Dear Jasper (carrot?),

What a silly, silly boy you are!  Repeat after me, “I shall not believe anything that comes out of the mouths of journalists, especially ones from Bangkok.”  Jasper, my Petal, even you should know that this is not true.  Nobody actually “works” for magazines in Bangkok.  All they do is hang around bars and denigrate the efforts of the real hard working people out in the provinces, such as Ms. Hillary.  You have hurt me deeply, Jasper.  I shall cry myself to sleep this evening over a bottle of Veuve Cliquot (vintage, of course).  In the meantime I shall have another chocolate.  You may placate me by sending quantities of one or the other, but preferably both.