TOT launches 3G mobile data service in Pattaya


TOT (Public) Co. this month will launch third-generation mobile data services in Pattaya, piggybacking on Advance Info Service PCL’s network in hopes of catching 3G leader True Corp.

TOT Managing Director Prasong Praneetpolkrang announced the launch of the 3G data service for smartphones and computers Jan. 28 at Central Festival Pattaya Beach.

TOT Managing Director Prasong Praneetpolkrang announces the launch of the 3G data service in Pattaya. TOT Managing Director Prasong Praneetpolkrang announces the launch of the 3G data service in Pattaya.

The service is a rebranding of existing services already provided by AIS in Pattaya. The two companies reached a deal in July that will give TOT customers roaming access on AIS’s 3G network for voice and data services.

Thailand remains far behind the west and even most of Southeast Asia in deploying high-speed wireless data networks. While neighboring countries are already moving to so-called 4G networks, TOT is touting its service as 3.9G amid claims it is the fastest in Thailand with download speeds of up to 21 megabits per second.

Competing True, however, launched its 21 Mbps True Move-H in Pattaya in November and AIS, whose network TOT will use, has only just started deploying 3G access points and remains far behind True in both download speeds and availability.

TOT hopes to expand its mobile data services to 18 provinces by May.