Faith healer Corsie Legaspi returns to Pattaya


Famous divine healer and Filipino priest Corsie Legaspi paid another of his annual visits here to Pattaya on Wednesday, October 19 at the St. Nikolaus Catholic Church.   

Father Legaspi has always insisted that God is doing the healing and he is only a tool of God’s will.  He knows that the energy in his hands to cure people is not his own but comes from the Universe.

The church was again very crowded with believers but also others who had heard about this priest and were curious to find out more about him.  After celebrating the holy mass a video film showed examples of Father Legaspi’s earlier miraculous healings performed all over the world.

Holy mass is celebrated at St. Nikolaus Catholic Church by (from left) Father Michael Picharn, Father Francis Xavier Kridsada Sukapat, Father Michael Weera Phangrak, Father Corsie Legaspi and Father Gilderardo Amenegido.Holy mass is celebrated at St. Nikolaus Catholic Church by (from left) Father Michael Picharn, Father Francis Xavier Kridsada Sukapat, Father Michael Weera Phangrak, Father Corsie Legaspi and Father Gilderardo Amenegido.

A special member of the congregation came all the way from Bangkok to bear witness to the fact that Father Legaspi had healed him just the day before at the St. Louis Church in the capital in front of about 1.200 believers.  This man, whose name remained unknown, couldn’t move his arm and his legs wouldn’t carry him anymore.  He was full of pain when he came to see Father Legaspi.  “The father healed me with God’s help”, he said.

Father Corsie Legaspi lays his healing hands on the congregation.Father Corsie Legaspi lays his healing hands on the congregation.

That same day in Bangkok, three other people who were wheelchair bound and couldn’t walk anymore were suddenly cured of their disabilities and were able to walk again.  A miracle?  Maybe, but one has to believe very much as well.

In Pattaya, Father Legaspi didn’t only heal frozen arms or people who couldn’t walk anymore, but he also made tumors in the breasts of women disappear.  Witnesses touched those lumps and while the father was praying over the patients, they felt the lump disappear.

Father Corsie cures another ailment sufferer.Father Corsie cures another ailment sufferer.

To show God’s energy he used other people to touch the patients while he was holding their hands, passing the energy on.  Father Corsie knows and feels if God is willing to help a patient, and in case there is no chance he sends those people away.

At the end of the session people hung around in their dozens on the Father’s hands, arms and clothes, to receive energy healing and strength.

A man thanks the Father after he is able to walk again.A man thanks the Father after he is able to walk again.