Rapper Joey Boy returns to Amari


Back for the first time in two years, Thailand’s “king of rap” thrilled Pattaya-area fans at the Amari Orchid Resort & Tower recently.

Abhisit Opasiamlikit, better known as “Joey Boy,” headlined the the Oct. 3 concert, held nearly two years to the day since his last ballroom appearance.

Fans crammed into the hall said Joey Boy did not disappoint, entertaining for more than 90 minutes with hits like “Hua Lai Tood,” “Yok Mue Kuen and “Rak Ther Mai Mee Mod.

The rapper was supported by an appearance from the Kan Kor Club featuring Sing Nua Sua Tai and DJ Spidamonkey who spun their new songs, including “Meai Mai Mee”, “Salawon”,” Kadinang”, and “Yok Meo Kin”.

Joey Boy belted out a medley of his hits at the Amari concert on Oct. 3.

The rap star’s many fans gave the performance a firm seal of approval.