Dr. Iain Corness
Modern medicine: Breast Cancer. What’s Mum’s chances?
Study Finds Senior Women May Benefit From Mammograms,
This study was preprinted, so for you it can be considered as ‘hot off the press’ in...
Modern medicine: Work is the curse of the drinking classes!
One of the lesser known medical specialties is Occupational Medicine. This is the study of worker health, how the workplace affects health, the man-machine...
The amazing Andre Citroen and Traction Avant
Hands up all those who have owned a Citroen. Hands up all those who have had problems with their Citroen. Just as I thought...
Modern Medicine: Stop biting your nails!
When you were a youngster your mother would tell you to stop biting your nails. Correct? You had no idea why you shouldn’t bite...
Modern Medicine: How good is ‘internet medicine’?
When I mention ‘internet medicine’, do not confuse this with ‘internet pharmacies’. Internet pharmacies are the ones that offer you cheap willy stiffeners, while...
Modern Medicine: Insurance
Is insurance a necessary evil? The simple answer is “yes perhaps”!
We are being encouraged to take out insurance to cover our homes and vehicles....
Modern Medicine: Collar Bone fractures
A “fracture” is the interruption of a bone’s wholeness. A crack or a break in a bone is the same as a fracture. There...
Modern Medicine: Angioplasty – will you need one?
What is angioplasty? Coronary balloon angioplasty is an invasive method of opening blocked arteries that might stop blood flow to the heart, resulting in...
Modern Medicine: Will you develop Diabetes this year?
Amazingly, you survived Xmas and New Year. Well done, despite the excess parties, pies and pints. The waistline has swelled, anti-flatulents have been purchased,...