Dr. Iain Corness
Smoking reduces the risk of Dementia?
In the Pattaya Mail there has been much debate in the Reader’s Letters page over smoking. I have zealously resisted the chance to hop...
Modern Medicine: Can your computer kill you?
Can your computer kill you? Well, it can. Especially if it lands on your head from a great height. However, sorry about the attention...
Modern Medicine: Why is PACS significant in modern medicine?
Wouldn’t it be nice, if after you have been X-Rayed, you could get your “own” doctor back home to look at the X-Ray itself...
It gets hot in here!
The F1 world was buzzing following the crash suffered by HAAS driver Frenchman Romain Grosjean, whose race car burst into flames and broke in...
Modern Medicine: Gout – and the middle way
When you mention the condition “gout”, a picture seems to flash up of a crusty old man with a glass of port and his...
Modern Medicine: Laughter is the best medicine
Here we are, a brand new year, and one in which we can attack with a smile or a sneer. How you feel does...
Modern Medicine: Will 2022 be another year of abuse?
I think most of us, when pressed, will admit to abusing our bodies. We punish our livers (New Year being a fine example), we...
Modern Medicine: Are you prepared? Do not ignore this!
You are going to die. I have it on good authority, encompassing all the various religions (including Atheism) that unfortunately, the evidence would appear...
Modern Medicine: Checking up cheaply
Are check-ups really of much value? After all, we are all going to die one day - even me, though having been told you...