Harry Flashman
Camera maintenance
My daughter’s first ‘real’ camera has been purchased for her birthday, and she is now ready to take ‘real’ photographs and not just ‘selfies’....
Pensioner and photography both start with P!
The popular notion of being retired is that the retiree has an idyllic life, doing what he (or she) pleases and all day to...
The camera is only an extension of your mind
There are many photographers in the past that I admire. They all have one thing in common. They knew what they are looking at,...
Inexpensive ways to improve your photos
There comes a time in every semi-serious photographers life that is manifest by dissatisfaction with one’s images. Unfortunately, there is a collective thought in...
What lens?
The stimulus for this week’s column came from an American pro photographer suggesting I bring to the readers’ notice the differences between the lenses...
Making a small fortune from your camera
There is only one totally accepted way of making a small fortune out of professional photography – and that is to start with a...
Digital photography in retrospect
I have taken photographs for many years, and finally “graduated” from film Nikons and medium format Hasselblads to today’s digital. This momentous change in...
Photographic equipment made to measure
The son of an old friend of mine is showing a remarkable talent for photography. However, like all young photographers he is experimenting in...
Just in time?
Every photograph you have ever taken represents a moment in time recorded for posterity. 1/60th second of your world frozen for eternity. The famous...
The Dangers in Photography
Photography is not thought of as a dangerous, or contact sport. However, photography has its dangers, and I have been on the receiving end.