Harry Flashman
Photography: Photo Philters
Should you have some filters for your photography? Simple answer: Yes, BUT not all filters are suitable for use by amateurs.
Photographic filters are the...
Photography: Helmut Newton
I have written many times about your producing ‘impact’ in your photographs, and not just ‘record’ shots. I have also written about choosing your...
Photography: 12 Rules for 12 months
Last week we went through 10 tips for amateur photographers. This week I will add to the professionals’ tips by suggesting 12 rules for...
Photography: Getting involved in photography
There is so much more to photography than “You Press the Button, We Do the Rest" which was George Eastman’s Kodak advertising in 1888....
Photography: Carry your bag, Mister?
Do you have a camera bag? Sooner or later, if you are a photography enthusiast, you will want to expand upon your current equipment....
Photography: Buying a large dog
I haven’t got a dog and a cat just doesn’t cut it as far as a robbery deterrent. Some time back, in the “film”...
Photography: What’s better than two legs? Three legs!
Do you use a tripod? Do you even have a tripod? A tripod is the most underused item in photography, but has the ability...
Photography: Size does matter
You are an enthusiastic photographer, having sent many rolls through the processors in the days of film. Where did you put the prints you...
Photography: Andy!
Was Andy Warhol a tormented soul? I believe so. Photography is a preferred medium for tortured souls which does not require the artist to...