Harry Flashman
Photograph the stars
Photographing stars is not just A List celebrities, but is a whole section of photography, just to capture celestial bodies.
Daytime skies are not difficult...
Here comes the Bride
There are photographers who live for excitement. These are the guys who hang out of helicopters to photograph the insides of volcanoes. However, they...
Fore-warned is fore-armed!
Yes, Songkran is coming, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it as it splashes on for the whole nine days. From a...
Photographic equipment made to measure!
Amateur photographers are always on the lookout for equipment they can use to get a better photo. In actual fact, most times they are...
Getting the most out of your DSLR
I have always been quite passionate about photography and in my early forays spent much time looking at other photographer’s work. Not to slavishly...
Depth of Field again
One of the easiest factors to control with your picture taking is the Depth Of Field, usually written as DOF. Mastery of DOF will...
Learn WYSIWYG first
We are in the digital age, and cameras, even smartphones, have just become so clever, it is almost as if the photographer is no...
Mucking around with light
Getting to grips with the concept of “light” is an important factor for photography, and good photographers are the ones who have learned how...
Gold, Silver and Black Velvet
I often mention the Celestial Light Technician. A fancy term for sun light. Unfortunately, sunlight can be very difficult to use, particularly with clouds...
DSLR Maintenance
This week’s column is dedicated to those of you that have just got a new DSLR. Especially if this DSLR is your first camera.