Harry Flashman
Julia Margaret Cameron
With the start of a new year, I sat down fully intending to write a column about having a photo project to spark...
Pirelli Calendars, Marilyn Monroe and Glamor
Marilyn Monroe is a household name, even all these years after her death in 1962. But who were Miss Idaho Potato, Andre de...
Ambient lighting effects
One of the lessons I learned many years ago from a well respected professional Thai photographer (Tom Chuawiwat), was that the client actually...
12 rules for 12 months
We are approaching the end of the year, and it is time to look back and think what you can do to improve...
Become a flasher this weekend
From the early days of photography, flash has been used. The early flash guns used a mixture of magnesium powder and potassium chlorate...
Amateur video photography
As the price of still cameras has come down, so has the price of video cameras, and more and more weekend photographers are...
A move from medium format to digital photography
I received a phone call the other day from a retired gentleman who was looking at his Mamiya 6x45 medium format film camera...
Fotographic Filter Fun
Take a look at the size of the lens diameter on your camera. What is it? Probably 55 mm, and that is not...
Camera phones
I was at a function the other day and noticed that everyone present was using his or her camera phones to record the...
We’ve had the odd drop of rain
As I write this, the inside of my car smells like an unsavory gentlemen’s lavatory in Port Said, the passenger’s seat resembles a...