Looking for exotic holiday
Dear Hillary, My husband and I have been reading your column for some years, even though we live in Canada these days. You do...
Fly to Fiji
Dear Hillary, I have a tip for the guy being ripped off by a Thai woman who has a few foreigners on a string....
In defense of bar girls
Dear Hillary, Why do so many of the guys who write to you want to paint the Thai women in a bad light? These...
Where’s the nearest gum-shoe?
Dear Hillary, With so many of your letter writers being out of Thailand for a while each month, the question they have is always...
An adult’s view of common denominators
Dear Hillary, A couple of weeks ago, a writer, James, did make one very good point on relationships, saying, “The right person for you.”...
There’s a hand in my pocket
Dear Hillary, I read somewhere that all Thai girls want is to get their hands in your pockets, and once they have cleaned you...
Mine’s a soda water
Dear Hillary, I have been reading your column and have enjoyed it very much. As I am going to be over there in September...
The Amazing Masochist
Dear Hillary, I have been reading your column for the past 3 years, always enjoy your answers and this time it’s me looking for...
Multiple cheating
Dear Hillary, You may think I’m stupid, but I recently found out that my wife has been cheating on me. This really floored me...