The Happy Camper again
Dear Hillary, I never realized I was smart until I came to Thailand two years ago. Let me explain why. I have always...
Itching to return
Dear Hillary, I often read your column and I just don’t understand why all these negative experiences. Since I’ve been traveling, my favorite...
Two tickets to the front stalls
Dear Hillary, I’ve been on my own for a while. I came over here after my wife left me in the UK. I’m...
Who’s right?
Dear Hillary, I had a big argue with my GF this morning and I walked out angry. I know that when I go...
Mia Noi for sale or rent?
Dear Hillary, I know lots of fellers have a girl on the side (mia noi), but what I want to know is how...
Thai way or the highway
Dear Hillary, Seems people come to Thailand for some local ‘flavor’ but then want to change everything to suit their jolly old ‘wherever.’...
House in whose name?
Hi Hillary, Regarding buying houses in “her” name. Here I give my own Senf (mustard) to this hot and controversial topic, but slightly...
Heart to Heart with Hillary – Friday 10 November -16 November...
Dear Hillary, I have a very dear friend, who is a very handsome, intelligent young man and he has never had a problem...
Lost ATM (again)!
Dear Hillary, You might think this is a stupid complaint, but it is driving me mad. My girlfriend and I have been together...
Pick up the phone!
Dear Hillary, My wife never hears the phone when I ring her up. It is always left in the car, or at the...