More advice for cheated husbands
Dear Hillary, (Following on to the chap who found his wife cheating after 10 years) In farangland as I know it, it was mostly...
The voice of experience
Hi Hillary, Thanks for the compliment, even I have come to you for advice, it was 3 yrs. ago, you helped me get what...
Found! The ideal Thai woman
Dear Hillary, I met a really great girl. She may be ugly, fat, blind and deaf, but she owns a liquor store and has...
Timeless wonders
Dear Hillary, I have a real problem, which I hope you can help me with. Even if you can’t, then just by publishing this...
Public transport?
Dear Hillary, Can nothing be done about the songthaew drivers? For a tourist city they give the place a bad name with their stand-over...
Seven Year Itch, Thai style
Dear Hillary, Last week you had another tale of woe from someone who found out that their Thai wife had been having an affair...
What is a “Farang”?
Dear Hillary, Given the uncertainty about the origins, and the ambiguity about when or if its usage is derogatory, I wonder that you can’t...
Kazakhstan in summer?
Dear Hillary, I hope you are well, and have lots of champagne in the fridge, and maybe some chockies as well. I’m sorry I...
Some stay happily married
Dear Hillary, Hooray for printing the letter showing that there are just as many good westerner-Thai marriages as the other way, but we aren’t...