Xmas house guests
Dear Hillary, We have some friends coming over from the UK at Xmas, and normally I’d be delighted to see them, as they are...
A rude awakening
Dear Hillary, After more than 10 years of marriage, and two school age children, my wife admitted she was having an affair with an...
How much money do I make?
Dear Hillary, Can you help please? Do all Thai people ask you the most personal questions? Things like “How much money you make? You...
Raise the hemlines!
Dear Hillary, Are the Thai girl’s legs getting longer, or are the skirts getting shorter? Every day I keep on seeing these gorgeous honeys...
Amazing bargains in the bars!
Dear Hillary, Are there really that many dipsticks out there that still think the ladies from the bar are honest and truthful, with “I...
Recipe for disaster
Dear Hillary, Over my years in LOS (33 now), there is nothing you can do to save a friend from a life changing event...
Readers Letters
Dear Hillary, I see some of the answers for writers to you seem to end up in the Readers Letters section? What is the...
Look what I found in my bed!
Dear Hillary; My neighbor lady brought me a girl from up country to stay with me and ‘take care’ of me. The girl was...
Aussie lays it on the line
Dear Hillary, You had a letter the other week wondering if all Thai girls told lies. Yep, Hillary, you got it in one -...