Heart to Heart – May 31, 2019
World affairs
Dear Hillary,
You seem to be a well educated woman, judging by your replies to some of your correspondents. However, your sisters are not...
Heart to Heart – May 23, 2019
Thai Girls cheat?
Dear Hillary,
A couple of weeks ago one of you (sic) writers was wondering if his wife was straying, with the friends...
Heart to Heart – May 16, 2019
Jerry to the rescue!
Dear Hillary,
Why do some of your readers want to pick a fight with you? You are doing your best and if...
Heart to Heart – May 8, 2019
Thai language or Language Thai
Dear Hillary,
As you are such a knowledgeable person, could you please explain to me why Thai people always say things...
Heart to Heart – May 1, 2019
Toe Cutter Gang
Dear Hillary,
How did us single farangs get along before you? Though I am told that you are older than Methusala (not sure...
Heart to Heart – April 24, 2019
Beer, Sex and Footy
Dear Hillary,
I feel you are being a trifle harsh in stating recently that the all men have on their minds...
Heart to Heart – April 18, 2019
Short order cook required
Dear Hillary,
My Thai GF cannot cook western food, and will not even try these days. Thai food OK, she just runs...
Heart to Heart – April 9, 2019
Eating as a SE Asian games event
Dear Hillary,
My Thai GF no sooner finishes eating than she’s ready to go again. She’s as thin...
Heart to Heart Volume No.1340
A mail box full of tears
Dear Hillary,
How do you keep up with all the tears that must come through your mail box? Every...