The Beach Road ladies
Dear Hillary, Every few weeks the Pattaya Police rope in all the girls along Beach Road, fine them B. 500 and let them...
A trip to the zoo?
Dear Hillary, There are two very nice girls I have met recently and I would like to take them out. My problem is...
To Go-Go or don’t go-go?
DDear Hillary I’m suffering from a case of what I can only call Go Go Syndrome. I find it impossible to walk past...
Difficult decisions?
Dear Hillary, I need your help. I have to choose between two gorgeous girls here. Both of them are real lookers, so there’s...
Made in Heaven?
Dear Hillary, We haven’t been here very long, and my husband’s work gives us an allowance for a maid. That’s something I had...
Wanting me in the flesh!
Dear Hillary, How is the chocolates and champers appeal going? Anyone ever drop the loot off? I have been tempted, just so that...
Any good farangs out there?
Dear Khun Hillary, I like very much to meet good falang man and take care he. My fren say good falang not come...
So it does go sideways
Dear Hillary, I’m probably not the first to ask this, but why do Thai women sit sideways on motorcycles? When did it start?...
Legal Eagle wanted
Dear Hillary, What is the situation when you split from a live-in girlfriend? Does she have any legal rights to your property, cars,...
A way for Will
Dear Hillary, Love your column darling, but I had to deliver this by hand as I don’t know your email address. How about...