Origin of the “sniff-kiss”
Dear Hillary, I read and been told not to touch Thai girl on head because Thai think very rude. What I wanting to...
A warm and fuzzy chocolate problem
Dear Hillary, I have noticed that you do spend much of your weekly columns appealing to your worried clients to send you champagne...
Married flings and single flings
Dear Hillary, I have two married guys in my condo block I have got to know pretty well. Good guys, but at least...
The score: Bargirls 35, farangs 2
Dear Hillary, The usual hopeless cases again for 2012. Are these the same ones still believing they have someone “different” from their 2011...
Tea, muffins and rumpy pumpy
Dear Hillary, Last week you had this poor chap who didn’t like answering questions in a beer bar. Who does he think he...
ST explained
Dear Hillary, I’ve never been to Thailand before but I’m saving to come over next Xmas hols, and I’ve been reading up something...
Being right and wrong at the same time
Dear Hillary, While driving up a small street in the suburbs the other afternoon I saw at the last minute it had been...
Miss Right at the check-out counter?
Dear Hillary, I see a lot of girls in my local shopping center, and many are quite nice. I see them resting on...
Run over by a bus?
Dear Hillary, Listen to the pot calling the kettle black! In friday (sic) 12th’s paper, you slate poor old Andy the budding brain...
You got girlfriend?
Dear Hillary, I am having a problem with some of the direct questions you get asked over here. Do all Thai people ask...