The “family” guest house
Dear Hillary, I seem to be besieged. My wife’s family has come to stay with us. Her brother and her cousin and her...
Grey Power
Dear Hillary, A few weeks ago you had someone called Ginger write to you complaining about older foreigners, which then produced a few...
Walking on the moon
Dear Hillary, I saw that Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, has just died. He did that first moon walk 40...
I’ll have a little water with mine!
Dear Hillary, I am coming over at Xmas for a few weeks R&R and would like to know if it is safe to...
Harry writes to Hillary for help
Dear Hillary, I enjoy your bits each week and the advice is right on. It’s always fun to read and you give me...
Public holiday problems
Dear Hillary, I get confused with all the holidays in Thailand. Every month there appears to be some sort of public holiday, and...
Monarch of the Glen
Dear Hillary, Once a week I have a night out with the boys from work. Usually this means I get home in the...
The “me first” culture
Dear Hillary, With all these men writing to you to say how they have been tricked or cheated in Thailand, perhaps it is...
Where’s my champers?
Dear Hillary, How many chocolates and champagnes did you get for Xmas/New Year/birthday/Buddhist Lent and all other calls by you begging for them,...