Internet dating
Dear Hillary, Do you know of any trustworthy dating places? I have seen a few advertised on the internet, but don’t know if...
It does go sideways
Dear Hillary, The beautiful girls of Thailand amaze me the way they can sit sideways so gracefully on the rear of a motorcycle....
Hercule Poirot’s brother still looking for Hillary
Dear Hillary! Thanks for your reply! It was a funny and good read as always. I have now dismissed the Honorable Dr. Iain...
Thoughts on returning to Thailand
Dear Hillary I came back (not to Brylcream, some of your older readers might remember that old advert), I came back to Thailand...
Sent to Hillary! By mistake?
Dear Hillary, I wonder if you could advise me what documents I need to take a Thai registered vehicle from Thailand to Singapore...
Lobster Thermidor and French champagne!
Dear Hillary, Lots of your readers seem to have problems getting the right girl. My problem is I’ve got too many of them....
Up to you
Dear Hillary, I am sure you will have heard this before, and when I ask around the guys at the pub, they all...
The Oprah and Hillary show
Dear Hillary, I enjoy your bits each week and the advice is right on. Somebody said you should get a raise from your...
British Standard (BS) Duck Test
Dear Hillary, Have you heard of the British Standard (BS) Duck Test? “If a bird looks like a duck, swims like a duck...