Detective Hercule Poirot eat your heart out!
Dear Hillary! First of all, I love your column. But I wonder why you do not show a photo of yourself in the...
Should I worry?
Dear Hillary, About a year ago I set up home with a Thai girl. Her family comes from the north east and I...
Karaoke Queens
Dear Hillary, I’m a pretty easy going bloke and quite happy in my domestic situation, with a good little Thai chick I’ve had...
Picture books for non-readers
Dear Hillary, You have often mentioned books that newcomers to Thailand should read and you should add “Falangs in Thailand” to that list....
Take me to the wine cellars
Dear Hillary, An easy one for you this week. My brother is coming over for a holiday to Pattaya and he’s a bit...
A Hillary Book?
Dear Hillary, When are you going to collect all your writings and put them into a book? I reckon it would have to...
Ripping right up Ron
Dear Hillary, Please don’t think that all English people are as rude as the chap who signed himself “Ron Phuket Thailand” in last...
Drug takers – who is to blame?
Dear Hillary, I read somewhere about a Thai wife receiving 100,000 THB each month as a “salary”, but she ended up blowing the...
Taking a ticket for the lottery of life
Dear Hillary, Why is there so much in your Agony Aunt column about love-sick, spurned and hopeless men? Don’t they understand that all...