Broken resolutions
Dear Hillary, We’re right into 2012 already and I reckon 90 percent of the New Year resolutions will have been broken by now. I...
Up the garden path?
Dear Hillary, I have a gorgeous Thai GF who just lights up my life when I come over to Thailand. I come three...
The standard bar-girl repartee
Dear Hillary, Can you help please. Do all Thai people ask you the most personal questions? Things like “How much money you make?...
High wire acrobats with no safety net
Dear Hillary, Well here we are in 2012, and how many farangs are going to throw themselves off high buildings this year, after...
A wife’s duties
Dear Hillary, Just how much should a husband put up with? My Thai wife (though we’re not officially married but been together for...
A timeless answer to a timeless problem
Dear Hillary, I have come to the conclusion that for a Thai woman, a watch is merely a fashion statement, and nothing to...
Sparing the rod
Dear Hillary, How do you tell someone that they are making a rod for their own backs with the way the people next...
Helmets again!
Dear Hillary, Bit of daft advice that one Hills, keeping the crash helmet in the shopping basket at front of the bike, this...
Somebody loves me!
Dear Hillary, I think I have timed this right to wish you a Good New Year. Thank you for all the fun and...