Facebook or Faced off
Dear Hillary, Ever since my wife found Facebook this year, she spends hours and hours and hours glued to the computer screen. She...
Somebody is a happy camper
Dear Hillary, Year after year, I see and hear many lonely, ignorant, old, fools complaining about Pattaya’s bar girls and freelancers. But can...
Keeping the bed warm
Dear Hillary, Hasn’t it been cold recently. Thought I was back in TX for a while there. Anyway I’ve got myself a great...
Bubbles, baubles and bon-bons
Dear Hillary, Lots of long faces everywhere, but not mine. I think many people talk themselves into feeling down, but I read you...
Mia Luang and Mia Noi – and penis puree
Dear Hillary, My wife and I have been together for 10 years now, and it has slipped into a fairly boring relationship. I...
Straying males – and now straying mail
Dear Hillary, A few weeks ago a guy wrote asking whether you thought his letters to his Thai girlfriend had got through as...
Pre-Marital medicine
Dear Hillary, Against all the advice of people I used to call friends, I am going to marry a sweet little doll, who...
Missing helmets
Dear Hillary, There’s signs all over the place about motorcycle riders should wear helmets and every so often (towards the end of the...
The sword is mightier than the pen is?
Dear Hillary, I know this is supposed to be a column for all those guys with broken hearts, and there’s plenty of them...