Do all Thai people ask you the most personal questions?
Dear Hillary, Do all Thai people ask you the most personal questions? Things like “How much money you make? You married yet? Why...
Why don’t you put all your writings into a book?
Dear Hillary, Why don’t you put all your writings into a book? I reckon it would have to be a great hit. I...
I hope you get this before Christmas
Dear Hillary, I hope you get this before Christmas, as I would like to thank you for all the fun you have given...
A few weeks ago I told you of a ‘rescue’
Dear Hillary, A few weeks ago I told you of a ‘rescue’ that a group of us performed for what we considered was...
I am an American expat currently based in Japan
Dear Hillary, I am an American expat currently based in Japan and let me tell you that the bars here are really expensive,...
I was told many years ago that you shouldn’t let your...
Dear Hillary, I was told many years ago that you shouldn’t let your wife’s family come to stay with you, even just for...
This is the continuation from “Uncle’s” request from last week
Hello Hillary, (This is the continuation from “Uncle’s” request from last week, wondering what he should do about his attraction to his Thai...
I have to remain anonymous
Dear Hillary, I have to remain anonymous, and choose my words carefully as not to be recognized. I have a niece whom I...
I have met a really nice little Thai girl
Dear Hillary, I have met a really nice little Thai girl and she’s moved in and everything seems to be rosy but she...
Delivered anonymously
“For Hillary Only”, Delivered anonymously, a selection of chocolates in a large brown envelope. No note, no letter, just the inscription “For Hillary...