A Tee-total problem
Dear Hillary, I have a 42 year old friend coming from Pakistan to stay for a couple of weeks. He does not drink...
Facebook friends
Dear Hillary, Like a lot of people I am having problems with the new facebook pages. I had just managed to work the...
Double trouble
Dear Hillary, Most of your writers seem to have a problem with one girl. Mine’s different. I’ve got a two girl problem. The...
Pete discovers No Parking
Dear Hillary, I parked a rental car in Second Road the other day, and as they say in Wales, “When I came back,...
A frustrated 22 year old!
Dear Hillary, I’m still trying to work out what’s going down in my local shopping center. There’s these two babes who are always...
Another failure in the guide books
Dear Hillary, You’ve told everyone about the books they should read when they come here on holidays, or even before they get here,...
Learning the lingo, again
Dear Hillary, You are always telling people that they should learn Thai if they are living here for some time, and I agree...
Special milk order
Dear Hillary, Some days when I read your column you really can be terribly bitchy. Why are you like this? These people are...
A weighty problem
Dear Hillary, I am obsessed with fat women, the bigger the better (size 16 and better). This makes for a problem as Thai...