Who’s ‘keenieow’ now?
Dear Hillary, My Thai GF says she is leaving me after two months of living with me. She says I am ‘keenieow’ and...
Finding the ‘right’ mate
Dear Hillary, I’ve been meaning to write this email for some time, but always gets pushed onto the back burner, until now. There...
Boys Town frolics
Dear Hillary, I spotted my boss’s wife in a Boys Town bar the other night. She and a friend were flirting with a...
Winter and Summer confusion
Dear Hillary, We are looking at coming over for a two week holiday in November and wonder if it might be a little...
Thai cooking again
Dear Hillary, Last week you had a chap called Jimmy who was having trouble with his wife cooking Esarn food twice a week...
Out without a nanny
Dear Hillary, What is it with Thailand that it attracts guys that should not be allowed out without a nanny. Texas Tom the...
Too young to tango?
Dear Hillary, I’ve come over to Thailand, but I am beginning to wonder if I’m just too young for all this. I’m 45...
Picture books
Dear Hillary, You have often mentioned books that newcomers to Thailand should read and you should add Falangs in Thailand to that list....
Is she married?
Dear Hillary, One of the girls at my office has been very friendly to me. Holds my hand when talking to me in...