Unable to see at the glasses shop
Dear Hillary, I invited one of the girls from the glasses shop in the shopping center to the movies and she said OK...
Passport ponderings
Dear Hillary, Will any children of mine born here be Thai or American? My GF is Thai and she’s saying any kids we...
My Belgian boyfriend?
Dear Hillary, I will be going home to Belgium for a couple of weeks later on this month (Brussels is my home town),...
Lost girl in Soi 8. Please return to sender?
Dear Hillary, My problem just keeps on getting worse and worse. I meet a girl in a bar called Lek last year who...
Alzheimer’s Society
Dear Hillary, Happy New Year and I want to wish all your readers a Happy New Year as well, though I’m a bit...
Shocking! Disgusting! Says who?
Dear Hillary, Against my better judgment I came over to Thailand on holiday from the UK and I am shocked by what I...
Has his cake and eats it too?
Dear Hillary, My boyfriend (who comes from Manchester like me) generally has a few drinks with the lads after work. The other day...
Get out from my face!
Dear Hillary, I’m from America and I am not used to going into a bar to be propositioned. I don’t want to have...
Side saddled
Dear Hillary, I love the way the Thai girls sit sideways on the rear of motorcycle and wonder where did this custom come...