Genuine love in the bars?
Dear Hillary, You keep on saying that we chaps should get out and find women that don’t work in the bars because that’s...
What’s the next step?
Dear Hillary, I’ve met this woman in one of the big centers, where she works in a shop. She always waves to me...
Another unhappy shopper?
Dear Hillary, I see a lot of girls in my local shopping center, and many are quite nice. I see them resting on...
Happy birthday
Dear Hillary, If I remember right, this is your birthday, or at least round about now (July) as I was over in your...
Position vacant for a private dancer
Dear Hillary, Every week I read your column faithfully to see what we have to watch out for, to make sure we don’t...
Election worries
Dear Hillary, With the latest elections in Thailand, how do you think the change in government will affect those of us who work...
30 years of happiness
Dear Hillary, Hooray for printing the letter showing that there are just as many good westerner-Thai marriages as the other way, but we...
Sex shows? Really? Here?
Dear Hillary, The wife of one of my husband’s friends will be coming to visit Pattaya next month, along with a couple of...
What to do with the outlaws
Dear Hillary, My husband’s mother and father are coming out for a holiday next month. This will be their first trip to Thailand...