Clubbed to death
Dear Hillary, Have you been clubbing recently? Some of the new clubs are spectacular and the lighting/sound systems are terrific. The girls that...
Going for the gigglier
Dear Hillary, I work in an office as a teacher but I am going nuts about one of the women in the office...
“I see no ships,” (Admiral Nelson)
Dear Hillary, I need your advice urgently, Hillary my Petal! I know I should have known better, after all I am not new...
A Republican?
Dear Hillary, T.G.I.F. Finally the hysteria of so called royal wedding is over as well as the annoying hammering of newspaper, magazines and...
A bargain in the bar
Dear Hillary, As I am thinking about retiring here, I was hoping you could advise me on a couple of points. It has...
Mother knows best?
Dear Hillary, Can you help me? I have been dating a wonderful young Thai girl, a proper young “lady” not a bar girl,...
Bodyguard wanted
Dear Hillary, This is a money problem, but you might not think it important, but I do. I am coming over to Thailand...
My maid is driving me crazy
Dear Hillary, I know I am lucky to have a maid, as I could never afford one in America. And I know I...
Old geezers will wait for this one
Dear Hillary, I have no complaints about my life and lovers in this country. I could never be so lucky where I came...