Loving Songkran
Dear Hillary, Did you get wet over Songkrong (sic), or are you too old for that sort of thing? Me and my mates...
Hating Songkran
Dear Hillary, Did you go away for Songkran, or did you have to suffer the idiots with the squirt guns? I thought the...
Marrying for the right or wrong reasons?
Dear Hillary, I want to get married again next year. I have been married before, but to an American woman, and that finished...
Thoughts from the ‘other side’
Dear Hillary, Forgive poor English, but I write any way because we tired to hear foreigner complain all time about Thai girl. Him...
Everyone over 50 a bachelor
Dear Hillary, I read somewhere that the government is going to ban any marriages between farangs and Thais if the farang partner is...
The problems with Phasa Thai
Dear Hillary, I’m sorry dear, but you do go on a bit about farangs who should learn Thai if we want to live...
Will Vitamin V help?
Dear Hillary, I don’t know if you can help me, or at more than 70 it may be I can’t be helped, but...
Time stands still for no one
Dear Hillary, My Thai girlfriend is wonderful - except for one thing, she is timeless. She will arrange to meet me at three...
Intro Agencies – a good bet?
Dear Hillary, A friend of mine is getting very tired of the ladies he meets in the bars, who only seem to be...