I was told many years ago that you shouldn’t let your...
Dear Hillary, I was told many years ago that you shouldn’t let your wife’s family come to stay with you, even just for...
This is the continuation from “Uncle’s” request from last week
Hello Hillary, (This is the continuation from “Uncle’s” request from last week, wondering what he should do about his attraction to his Thai...
I have to remain anonymous
Dear Hillary, I have to remain anonymous, and choose my words carefully as not to be recognized. I have a niece whom I...
I have met a really nice little Thai girl
Dear Hillary, I have met a really nice little Thai girl and she’s moved in and everything seems to be rosy but she...
Delivered anonymously
“For Hillary Only”, Delivered anonymously, a selection of chocolates in a large brown envelope. No note, no letter, just the inscription “For Hillary...
You used to have some regulars in the column
Dear Hillary, You used to have some regulars in the column, blokes like Mighty Mouse, the dreadful Mistersingha and the Nairod person. Where...
Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat
Dear Hillary, Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat - where are you going for Christmas dinner? And may I suggest...
Last week you published a letter from a guy
Dear Hillary, Last week you published a letter from a guy called Mike who complained that even despite giving his GFs a salary,...
Madam or whatever
Sir, Madam or whatever, as the case may be, Your age, gender and nationality remains a mystery and all three of your regular...