Heart to Heart: Bar girl doesn’t like Mom and Pop store...
Bar girl doesn’t like Mom and Pop store work
Dear Hillary,
I thought I had met the woman of my dreams in Pattaya. Good English, attentive,...
Heart to Heart: Not another crackdown
Not another crackdown
Dear Hillary,
What do you feel about the ‘crack downs’ on the bars the BIB are running at present? Are they really trying...
Heart to Heart: Oh my goodness me!
Oh my goodness me!
Dear Hillary,
Can you recommend any Indian food places in Pattaya? We do not mean the commercial pizza companies, but real Indian...
Heart to Heart: Bar hopping or bar hoping?
Bar hopping or bar hoping?
Dear Hillary,
One of my colleagues at work keeps on suggesting I go out with him to go bar hopping one...
Heart to Heart: Anyone for a transplant?
Anyone for a transplant?
Dear Hillary,
I am a new transplant to Pattaya. Today was my first day reading your newspaper. I simply could not stop...
Heart to Heart: Counting the change
Counting the change
Dear Hillary,
I’ve been with the same girl now for almost a year, everything OK till recently when I noticed the container I...
Heart to Heart: Sheer luck Holmes
Sheer luck Holmes
Dear Hillary,
I have had the secret police monitor the Pattaya Mail offices for the past week to report back to me when...
Heart to Heart: The Demon Drink again
The Demon Drink again
Dear Hillary,
Every time my husband goes out with me, to dinner or even to a pub, he drinks too much. This...
Heart to Heart: I’ll never forget what’s his name!
I’ll never forget what’s his name!
Dear Hillary,
I got shown a letter where a guy had written to one of the local bar girls that...