Instruction manuals
Dear Hillary,
I read with interest an article in headed “Good Old Days”. It contained an extract from a home economics textbook printed in the...
Waiting for puberty
Dear Hillary,
I am sure that you must make up some of the letters in your column because surely people are not that silly. What...
Let’s talk this over
Dear Hillary,
My Thai GF talks all the time. I can hardly get a word in edgeways. She is always going on about what would...
Salary for a Mia Chow
Dear Hillary,
Money again. She’s a great girl and I like her a lot and she says she would be happy to come and live...
Buy me how
Dear Hillary,
This query comes from a farang thinking about buying a house and land up country. I know it’s supposed to be impossible, but...
Freewheeling Pattaya
Dear Hillary,
Money problems seem to be the story this week. A Skandi loses 787 million on BitCoin. How much money do you have rolling...
The BS Duck test again
Dear Hillary,
I hear that one of your readers wants to apply the British Standard (BS) Duck Test to all women. “If a bird looks...
How to recognize an ATM
Dear Hillary,
I met this girl at a function and we hit it off straight away. I was really unsure of where we were going,...
Another paragon of virtue
Dear Hillary,
I can’t get this girl out of my head. I think about her every day. I only see her at night when she...