Heart to Heart: Intro Agencies – a good bet?
Intro Agencies - a good bet?
Dear Hillary,
A friend of mine is getting very tired of the ladies he meets in the bars, who only...
Heart to Heart: Say “No!” to bar fines
Say “No!” to bar fines
Hi Hillary,
I’ve been in Pattaya many times and I have many good friends who work in bars and I know...
Heart to Heart with Hillary: A beer problem
A beer problem
Dear Hillary,
I have a real problem with my live-in GF and it is the demon drink again. I know Thais don’t hold...
Heart to Heart: Rellies from Hell
Rellies from Hell
Dear Hillary,
Like many British expat pensioners I am living off the small pension I get from the old country. This is enough...
Heart to Heart: Thai boyfriends
Thai boyfriends
Dear Hillary,
I have been told by someone who has been here a long time that all the girls from the bars have Thai...
Heart to Heart: 7-11 bar stools
During the latest crackdown, Hills is self-isolating at home. So here’s a little flash from the past.
7-11 bar stools
Dear Hillary,
Hardly a week goes by...
Heart to Heart: Eating Out Thai Style
Eating Out Thai Style
Dear Hillary,
Can you advise us (my wife and myself) as to what is the correct Thai way to eat with a...
Heart to Heart: Met Thai wife in a bar
Met Thai wife in a bar
Hi Hillary,
I met my Thai wife in a bar in 2014. We are married and living in the USA....
Heart to Heart: Oh No! It’s KOTW again!
Oh No! It’s KOTW again!
My Dear Hillary,
You jumped right on my malapropism 'campain' which was incorrectly spelled on purpose. I know I have caused...