Lang Reid
is it really too much to ask?
The book I have reviewed this week, is it really too much to ask? (ISBN 978-1-405-91413-0, Penguin, 2014) is the fifth volume of The...
What do you pack?
Most of the long time ex-pats who read the Pattaya Mail would relate to this book by Dr. Roberto Di Marco, “What do you...
A Troublesome Inheritance
During my weekly trawl of the Avenue’s Bookazine shelves, I spotted the book by Nicholas Wade, called A Troublesome Inheritance, subtitled Genes, Race and...
The Republic of Pirates
Pirates have flourished in our society for thousands of years. From the Pirates of Penzance, to Pirates of the Caribbean to Somali Pirates and...
The Real Great Escape
The Great Escape is one of those movies that has attained ‘cult’ status. With a star-studded cast including Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough,...
Fear and Loathing in Bangkok
There was almost no book review this week. The week I was due to pick one up from Bookazine was during the extended Pattaya...