Miss Terry Diner
Prem’s Garden
It makes little or no difference when a professional man enjoys cooking - he will end up opening a restaurant. Prem’s Garden is the...
Acqua in the Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort
Look up the website for the Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya and you are informed that it is an exciting themed five-star resort...
L’Olivier – but you don’t need to be a Francophone
Diners in Pattaya are spoiled for choice. As well as the obvious Thai restaurants, there are Indian, Greek, Italian, European, Chinese, Spanish, Mexican, South...
Want to live to be 107? Try Mady’s food!
Somewhere very different this week – the Dining Out Team went to Kabinburi to the Serenity Hotel Spa and Onsen.
A couple of years back,...
AEC, is it the ASEAN Economic Community?
Reviewing restaurants is not as easy as you might imagine. Publishing deadlines to meet and hoping that you haven’t missed something, or got the...
Linda’s Restaurant
Linda’s restaurant in Jomtien (opposite the Jomtien Complex) has been in business for almost 12 years, making it one of the standout restaurants in...
Jamesons does the impossible!
Talk to your local ex-pat and you hear nothing positive about this year’s ‘low season’. However, as the old saying goes “If life hands...
Dining with El Greco
The famous Greek painter El Greco’s birth name was Doménikos Theotokópoulos. You can see why he didn’t use it in normal conversation, though he...
Akvavit Grill and Bar
Akvavit, like vodka, is distilled from either grain or potatoes. After distillation, it is flavored with herbs, spices, or fruit oil. Commonly seen flavors...