Anyone wanting a hot BMW 7-Series?


Brazen car thieves had a bonanza in Detroit when two car-jackers made off with a new US$94,000 BMW 750i xDrive sedan which had been left idling outside the Westin Book Cadillac, one of Detroit’s major hotels.

BMW had supplied a VIP fleet for high flyers at the Detroit show, and the 7-Series was one of the 12 BMW’s in the PR fleet.

At the end of the show, BMW had a transporter ready to ferry the cars back to BMW (America) headquarters in New Jersey and the 7-Series had been driven to the loading area, where after the valet had got out, two men jumped into the car and calmly drove away.

Cool heist of hot BMW Cool heist of hot BMW

BMW have been quite calm about it all, on the surface, with spokeswoman Stacy Morris saying, “It’s just an unfortunate incident.”  It was probably insured anyway, but the insurance company might want to ask a few more questions, I would imagine.